
Part 6- Why we need to NEVER label them HFA/Aspergers again.

How this method taught me just HOW damaging that label was

(This frame of mind, is mainly how it relates to my late diagnosed husband).

This dawned on me yesterday morning. I’ve been thinking about it all day. I talked to my husband about it again. I had already mentioned it to him since our discovery. But EVERY DAY new things hit me, at new levels, at deeper levels, they hit me sideways and criss-cross and horizontal. This just goes SO DEEP, yet it’s SO LITERAL It hurts my brain to think so concretely like this. (Simply because I can’t its REALLY hard to shut off the areas of the brain that are trying to naturopathically connect hemispheres, my brain keeps trying to add my abstract and emotional thought process into it). I talked to several people about it again. Last night I talked to my husband again. Each time I talk about it, it sinks in deeper. All night I’ve been unable to sleep, my mind can’t rest. So here I am. I know they’re (haters) gonna come for me now. I know this post might ruffle some feathers. BUT. I. DONT. CARE. I must get it off my chest.

If you want to take this ride with me…

To fully understand what they see and have been through. Shut off your other parts of your brain. THINK LITERAL AND CONCRETE. Tell the part in your head that is second-guessing this statement to SHUT UP. That’s your other parts of your brain trying to comprehend this concept and YOU CANNOT listen to it if you want to fully grasp this concept. To understand how they feel you MUST let logical, literal, and analytical to REIGN SUPREME. It’s hard I KNOW. I feel the neurons in anticipatory waiting for me to signal they can start going again. Start making connections all over, seeking to weave meaning in from other experiences I’ve had, finding similarities, etc… SHUT IT OFF. THINK ONLY CONCRETE. THINK WORDS ON PAPER, EXACTLY AS WRITTEN. LITERALLY BLACK AND WHITE ON PAPER. No alignment with personal experiences and how it might apply to you. IT DOESN’T APPLY TO YOU. It’s an existence you have NEVER endured. You cannot even begin to comprehend unless you shut this off. BECOME CONCRETE thinkers. It’s the strangest out-of-body-type feeling. Unless you begin to have a sense of stepping outside of your own brain. You are NOT on this ride with me. You are not understanding at the depths that it reaches. WHICH IS FINE. Because sometimes hearing the basic concepts is all they need to have a better understanding. But if you are like me and crave this type of brain travel. CLOSE YOUR EYES. SHUT OFF EVERYTHING. The meaning ENDS with the LITERAL reading of the words. I cannot get any simpler than the words I am saying. My husband said that to me a THOUSAND times yet I wasn’t aware my brain was STILL trying to add additional meaning, implications, connections, etc… to them. Believe it. And your mind will be blown.


I make the bold claim IMPOSSIBLE because even the ones who have embraced the label have at some point quieted this part of the brain. But it’s not gone when their brains only accept information that makes sense to them. They have STOPPED trying to make sense of this next aspect I’m about to present. But it remains in a dusty corner of the trashbin of their brains. Pushing it so far back to forget this aspect in order to retain the information. They have to, to keep their sanity and make the diagnosis a positive experience. If forced to logically reason with it and believe the implications of the diagnosis fully, it would require wrestling with the alligator (The level of mental energy exerted when trying to understand a concept that will NEVER be true).

The VERY essence of the label “Aspergers/HFA” is to categorize their behaviors as wrong and going against what is right (normal). In doing so, we deny and dismiss the accuracy of their very existence. We are telling them they’re the WRONG ones their WHOLE LIVES. All the problems that they’ve endured are because THEY were the abnormal problem, everything they have ever lived was wrong, they are the crazy ones. Their brain will not accept it as true because their entire lived experience PROVES otherwise.

They’re not wrong. But to further perpetuate this insanity is that often the symptoms usually logically align with their behaviors or experiences. Their logical brain sees the logic in this portion and creates a HUGE alligator to wrestle with. Because accepting there is something wrong with an existence that is correct and true to their knowledge is IMPOSSIBLE for them to comprehend. It goes against the very FIBER of their being. For all the people in the back, I’ll say it again. They CANNOT COMPREHEND things that are illogical. PERIOD. That’s ILLOGICAL to deny an existence that they have lived FIRST HAND. Go read the paragraph again about shutting down the other parts of your brain. Read that again and then keep going.

This is probably why you see them struggle with the diagnosis. Accepting means they accept untruths, which isn’t logical. Denying it also means they would be denying the parts that make sense. Do you see the struggle? This label unknowingly dismisses their entire existence as a lie. This data cannot be computed and they will never truly be processed. (At best they shove it to the dusty parts of the trash can to try to forget this element of the diagnosis).

We set the stage for insanity

We essentially convince them that the only way to get help is to admit they’re crazy. Can you imagine living in that type of nightmare? I would go crazy by being mislabeled as crazy. Many will finally give up trying to process on the surface, saying maybe they are crazy, but they will never truly believe it. They LITERALLY CANT!! There is a corner of their minds that refuses to give in. That is logic. It just gets quiet for a while, but because of the nature of their brains. It CANNOT truly go away. Depending on their ability to cope with this, the level of stress and frustration they received during their lives, when they were diagnosed and how COMMITTED they are to keeping those around them happy, this will determine how they store this conundrum and how much mental energy will get devoted to it.

The older ones get jipped

Luckily for some of the younger generation, born to parents who were aware, seeking help early, they could frame the diagnosis in a way that wasn’t negative. I remember making sure to explain to my son that his brain functioned differently, NOT wrong. He’s never felt his existence was being dismissed because I did the opposite. I validated that he wasn’t wrong. His brain worked differently and we didn’t know why, but that he would have to work extra hard to understand those around him. But I told him I was here to help, give him human clues and specific instructions on how to handle things. I explained it as if brains were computers, he was a mac (and macs are amazing!), and he lived in a world full of PCs, and that it was ONLY because there were more PC’s that he would have to learn how to live in their world. I explained how AMAZING his brain is. I repeated again how this label/diagnosis/ wasn’t negative or meant he was bad, it just explained a certain set of challenges that he will face throughout his life. The areas that he had to work extra hard in, were MUCH easier for NT’s but that his brain was a SUPER POWER he could tap into. He’s never been upset over it, in fact, I think he’s been proud. I’ve heard him say “I’m aspie!” like they would then automatically understand he was superhuman. That’s how positive we had been able to make this experience for him. We found out when he was 3, taught skills and therapy until he was 6, and explained things more literally about the diagnosis to him when he was around 7. We would have periodic “human lessons” every so often to make sure he had explicit literal instructions for how to deal with these PCs. I still give him human lessons. These were little automations i would install on his operating system. Sometimes I will sit him down and have a formal conversation, sometimes I just give him tidbits of advice when we’re in the car. I make sure to preface important material with something like “make sure to remember when dealing with…, when you are in a relationship and they’re body acts mad and their words don’t, those are clues to investigate feelings, etc… Here is an example I have given him to prepare for a future event if it should ever arise.

“If you come home from work and your wife looks exhausted, she may even say shes fine, but you need to consciously take in the surroundings and context of the word to really understand what shes saying to you, humans express what they say without words. If the house is a mess, the kids are crying, logically she is not fine. She has lots of reasons for saying shes just fine, sometimes she might not be able to express them, but if the words don’t fit the situation, you need to investigate. Don’t accept at face value and walk away or she wont feel loved.”

I know everyone’s experience has been different. The diagnosis process, when, how, the framing for the diagnosis, if they are currently being blamed as the problem, Etc… between these two extremes though is where they all are found. Cameron is my little Hybrid Manny. He will always have to manually process his world, but from the beginning, we have acknowledged his struggle, the existence of his efforts (even though we may not have understood the depth and root and how we could help even more completely) Gave him specific tips, taught him how to compress files in his brain, where to store things that didn’t pertain to him, but that were important. He was SOO young, trusting, and malleable. So while he manually processes things, he has created the brain flexibility in patterns of the neurotypical. His level of functioning is SO much better than my husband could have ever dreamed before this. His level of anxiety is low, no depression (he gets sad about things but can still sort through things) I suspect because he was so young when we taught and the folders in his brain could still develop. When I started to recognize the symptoms it was because it was presenting just like my husband. So to see how he functions so well, compressing files so easily, having multiple boxes to file it away. It supports research on the importance of getting help EARLY. Also, I’ve always been super in tune with him. I often climbed in his brain, he was more trusting and had fewer walls than my husband (understandably) and because I am his mother, who validated his existence, his efforts (although not the magnitude) he could at least see that I was enough of a logical creature to trust for learning. So there he is. A hybrid Manny. He loves that concept by the way. Makes him beam with pride.

It’s different for adults. They’ve grown up being told they’re the problem. They’ve denied it, it’s not logical. So when their world is rocked by a doctor who labels them, (No wonder my husband doesn’t trust doctors, that makes sense) They don’t have a soft place to land when they’re told that the reason they’re having so many problems in life, is that THEY’RE the problem. No understanding parents to tell them how amazing their brains ACTUALLY are. To remind them of all their amazing potential and how their brains are actually superhuman. Many are slapped with a diagnosis, and many of their spouses feel validated in declaring, “See, I told you, you WERE the problem.” Cringy when I think of it. I felt as though my own existence and experiences we finally validated when it happened. Little did I know the damage it caused my sweetheart. I cry as I type this. I’m so sorry. I finally see.

We finally SEE YOU

Someone needed to speak up. Someone needed to right this wrong. Someone needed to SPELL OUT this UNJUSTICE and make others SEE. And unfortunately, since they live in a world of neurotypicals, they (Mannies) could say or shout or scream this until they’re blue in the face, and NOONE would hear them. Believe me. I KNOW. I watched as my husband turned blue as he tried to convince me. I watched the light dim inside as he accepted his fate. That this would be the ONLY WAY to be helped. That’s what I told him, ’cause that’s all I knew too.

You are not Aspergers. You are a Manual Processor (Manny)

Now, I know I am speaking to Mannies, but because I am trying to bridge the gap between Mannies and Autos, I have to speak so Autos (Neurotypicals) can understand, because of that, I need to give a disclaimer to the Mannies who read this blog. When I use the word manual processor, I don’t want you to get TOO hung up in a literal way. I’m not exactly sure the scientific way of naming it, but I’m using the “manual” symbolism to show the Autos just how hard you work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Maybe the correct term is Hypoprocessing, and ADHD could be considered Hyperprocessing (I think that’s what happens in my brain, it auto sorts everything REALLY fast).

The symptoms of a Manual Processor is the same as Aspergers. But instead of ignoring your existence. It validates it. You might not even know you are manual, after all, it’s the only brain you ever had. To know any difference, you would have to be born with a manual and an auto brain in one head. and I have NEVER heard of that! The basics of a manual processor is that you must manually do things in your brain that AUTOS do automatically.

You might be a Manny if:

  • you find yourself having to decode every part of social interaction, body language, word usage, tone, facial expressions (This is your brain manually processing at the conscious level.)
  • you feel you are in brain fog (this is your brain overworked trying to “Manually” process things at the unconscious and subconscious level. its LITERALLY bogged down because it’s manually operated and UNDERSTAFFED)
  • It’s easy for you to understand concrete yet COMPLEX subjects, many times with ease (you may not know it’s even easy for you either, but if these subjects are seen as hard by most people-neurotypicals- and for you they are easy, it’s because your brain easily saw the logic, automatically recognized the patterns of the topic, created shortcuts, and compressed the file. Remember, the part of your brain that handles logic and reasoning is extra buff. Scans have shown it’s actually bigger.)
  • you find you don’t know WHY everything takes so much brainpower to understand. (You are manually having to process things at the unconscious and subconscious levels)
  • When change happens you may feel you don’t have the necessary time to properly analyze the situation for all possible outcomes to choose a logical path. You have to use abstract portions of your brain to have this play out so it TAKES A LONG TIME and LOTS OF BRAIN POWER TO DO. That’s why sudden change is extremely stressful and causes lots of anxiety. Your instincts tell you to avoid change to be mental energy-efficient, but when you are forced by others to be flexible, you must have lots of advanced warning of change for this reason. (And many others I’m sure). I JUST Found this out in December with my husband. My brain analyzes the situation and creates options and chooses the best nearly instantly, sometimes I’m not even aware it’s doing it. It does it VERY fast. The abstract part of my brain also communicates back and forth across hemispheres, if I am correct in my research, this is not happening in Mannies. NO WONDER it takes so long to come to a conclusion. My husband always would say, “if you want an answer now, it will be NO.” I falsely labeled him ridgid, when in reality, he was actively and massively putting in loads of mental energy to be FLEXIBLE.
  • at the conscious level you find yourself taking a long time to reply to someone because you have to consciously consider the options of what to say, how to say it, select it, and then find an appropriate way of saying it. (For an auto. These steps are done 10 times faster and often unconsciously. Many times they just simply respond in a conversation because their brain automatically did all of those steps, Auto’s with a more prominent Analytical/logical mindset might find themselves struggling with the last part too)
  • it takes you longer to understand abstract jokes, your brain tries to absorb all parts before it can comprehend. You might laugh later than others.

If you are a Manny, you may feel:

  • in the back of your head, you feel you don’t belong here. Almost like an alien on a strange planet, and the worse kind because you look like everyone else, so they expect you to understand like their kind too.
  • That you deal with way too many illogical, stupid/crazy people all. the. time.
  • you think that nobody understands the magnitude of mental energy it requires to do “basic” things, therefore they dismiss the level of effort you always give and many times label you LAZY.
  • any kind of communication besides bluntness stresses you out, causes anxiety, or makes you frustrated, searching for a socially acceptable answer requires a lot of brain energy and sometimes its just not possible.
  • you feel like there should be order in things, chaos overwhelms you
  • like at any given moment you are drinking from a fire hydrant with all the inputs your brain is trying to process at once.
  • like you wasted your life not knowing about the issues and how it all related to you. Wishing you could go back in time, discover it earlier so you could be functioning better. (This new concept is the next best thing to time travel! We essentially make the same progress that those have when diagnosed early)
  • the list goes on. and on.

Because most of us are not brain neuroscientists, and most people just live their lives without realizing what kind of brain they have and what their brains do. The problem that impedes our effective communication and understanding of each other has always been invisible. Because how many brain scientists have been born with two brains? How many have been in a long term relationship with a Manny/Auto? And how many of THOSE have been stuck together with each other 24/7 for practically 7 years. I think it took a special type of circumstance for this to erupt and come to light. I see now how all the things I’ve been learning and researching over the years has been preparing us for this.

This means HOPE

I know I make bold claims. But to every neurotypical out there, ask your Manny if this doesn’t resonate with them. Believe them. Believe me. We CAN bridge this gap. I’m bringing you a message of HOPE. Hope for your relationships, hope for the Mannies, that you aren’t stuck in your never-ending cycle of mental exhaustion until you break, and to the autos, there’s hope to end periods of good behavior leading to meltdown, and there’s HOPE that you are now going to be able to share your life with the person you love in many meaningful ways.


From all of us Autos, I’m sorry

We’ve always accused you all of being mind blind, but we have been too, and in the process, we unknowingly and unintentionally launched the worst character assassination of all time. The only way Nuerotypicals know how to help is to categorize. We sort people by symptoms and give them a name because that’s the way OUR brains function. And the label’s implication (that you’ve been the problem to blame all this time) did NOT match the symptoms correctly. We see that now. It was impossible for us to see the root to name it correctly, we incorrectly labeled all behaviors because of it too. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry you felt so isolated, misunderstood, and alone for so long. Many of you enduring treatment like this, without even the diagnosis too. Even more confused about your existence. I’m sorry you went through all that. When I really let it all sink in, I’m amazed any of you have ever been able to function. AT ALL. Yet every day you fight hard to exist in a world that misunderstands you to the core, you fight your unknown source of the mental exhaustion and you push to be in the world of those you love. That’s so NOBLE. That’s SO BRAVE. The mental strength to withstand that type of adversity is BEYOND what I can even fathom. Because again. ON TOP of trying to live and function in a world that is character assassinating you and calling you crazy. It requires more mental energy than you have. It’s a MIRACLE what you have been through and the mental toughness you have. Had I been crash-landed on an alien planet, I would create my little bubble of the earth at my house and NEVER. LEAVE. EVER. This is why I’ve always known Mannies are really superhuman. With this new unlocking, your potential is ENDLESS.

To the neurotypicals reading this. Your reality was REAL TOO. The hurt you experienced was REAL TOO. The behavior as a result of them panicking for mental survival DID hurt you too. And in our world, that type of behavior from another neurotypical is NOT acceptable. THAT’S TRUE. Now that we know the real source, we can improve their lives AND ours in the same way. They require LESS coping skills when we teach them to auto sort. They will be RECEPTIVE to “coping skills” when they’re not so overwhelmed any more either. But gaining this type of perspective for them will also create more awareness to prevent abusive behaviors and meltdowns from happening. When I see all his behaviors in this light, I see his behavior was a symptom of him being mentally distressed, like LIFE OR DEATH type of distressed. I know now none of it was intentional. Just compounded, none of it was even directed at me in his reality. Even when he said it was. Even when he said “YOU ARE MY PROBLEM” I see now how his brain drew that conclusion. It was the direct result of the manual brain under complete and total distress. And without the ability to sort things that didn’t make sense (therefore unable to comprehend how his actions could truly be affecting the situation) that COMPLETLY makes sense. And then times where I would literally convince him he was the crazy one (cuz see, I had proof from the world around me) I wrestled with 14 years of abuse, mental, emotional abuse, neglect, etc… The one thing I mentioned to my husband though was that, I at least had the world on my side. Support groups that validated my existence, a doctor and a diagnosis in my right pocket to validate his behavior was unacceptable. When I think about how HARD, and how LONELY, and on top of the mental exhaustion caused by every sensory input, a bazillion times a day, and dealing with the EMOTIONAL side of feeling SO misunderstood, I personally feel like the cross I bore was not as heavy. When I see it in the big picture. It all makes so much more sense. And for me, just like that. All the hurt I’ve stored over the years have been released from my cells. I’m seeing my manny clearly for the first time, last night I called him my boyfriend, cause I feel like we’re dating for the first time.

Recover wasted years- the next best thing to time travel

Because we have always been taught how hard it is to change the brain (approaching from a neurotypical standpoint). We thought that because they were so old when they were diagnosed. It’s nearly impossible to get them to the level of brain flexibility like someone who discovered it early. Thus the grieving process in the stage of accepting a diagnosis like this. We always saw them as so inflexible and unteachable because that is exactly how a NUEROTYPICAL would perceive that set of information.

In reality, their “inflexibility” and logical thinking that makes them seem robotic and like a computer, will be the very DRIVING factor in making this change efficient (so as fast as possible with only the energy required to complete the task). The very foundation of their existence is the manual brain. Because of that. THE SOLE PURPOSE and the REASON their brain unconsciously cut off (or reduced) resources to other areas of the brain deemed unnecessary. (real-world example: retain only 8 types of expressions you can interpret when interacting with others, delete all 200 other expressions as this is an inefficient use of ram and not necessary for survival) IT’S MAIN PURPOSE for ASSUMING LEADERSHIP (efficiency of the given resources) will see the LOGIC and REASONING in implementing these new techniques and they will continue to apply them because they cannot deny logic. They cannot deny mental energy efficiency. This is the FABRIC of their being. They will create shortcuts as fast as possible as they recognize the patterns of the criteria, recall the visual of the worksheet, and begin connecting neurons without even realizing it. Their amazing, wonderful brilliant brains will never deny logic, and it will “force” them to make these neuron connections. My husband said his brain literally exploded. Like a supernova of the brain, he felt areas of his brain start to come alive, like a car trying to start in the winter that suddenly revved his engine, he figuratively started to see color. We just never have been able to find such concrete, literal way to explain HOW to create these folders, and SURELY it couldn’t be that easy. YES. It’s that simple. We couldn’t get OUT of our own heads. ALL this time we approached the problem from our neurotypical mindsets and perspectives. Trying to teach them to think like us by the symptoms of the issues alone. We couldn’t fathom they functioned this literally at their core. How everything in their lives is governed by LOGIC ONLY. They never KNEW they had ONE FILE FOLDER. And HOW could you ever teach them this, when they doubt doctors are completely logical beings to begin with since most doctors are the ones confirming the diagnosis (which is refuted as being a credible source since it denies what they explicitly know to be true based on lived experience). So how can the blind lead the blind? THEY CAN’T! That’s why we’ve entered 2020 STILL without knowing how to bridge this gap. It was just TWO WEEKS ago I asked myself that question. It was a couple of days later we had the HUGE breakthrough. Nothing has ever got to the core. Now I know we can literally help them write the coding for handling ANYTHING in their lives. they just need LITERAL and LOGICAL coding for their brains and their brains TAKE OVER. It CAN’T resist. When I realized this, I lovingly hugged and koala’d my husband (I wrap my arms around, and then use one leg to wrap around his body, to imitate a koala bear) And explained how much I loved his wonderfully efficient, logic governed brain. Because that’s the key to all of this. Once we create the logical code for ANYTHING, their brains MUST incorporate this. I told him I feel honored to code his brain. He is my squishy and he will be mine. His neuroplasticity is already getting closer and closer to my son who has had understanding from me and help from the start.

You can catch up, and FAST

That means they can finally feel like they can actually catch up on progress. Like time travel, they get to erase the years that were wasted not knowing how to work through this. The years his brain spent being “stuck in his ways”, evolving into a supercomputer governed only by logic and being SUPER literal and “inflexible” is now the reason he will catch up and make up for all the lost time in RECORD BREAKING TIME. Read that again.

Mannies, take a moment to thank your wonderful brains, who dealt with the energy crisis the BEST WAY it KNEW HOW. It’s crucial to close your eyes and literally send messages of gratitude for what it has been doing all along. Because you would be a vegetable right now if you let all the areas try to take over when you had to manually process it all. Your brain would be fried and dead. Analytical and logic really WAS the best method for surviving the energy crisis. AND No one could have done a better job, or be more qualified to implement the methods for “time travel.” Thank the brain that you’ve probably cursed so many times in frustration. wondering why it wouldn’t blend in the world around it. BEGGING it to be normal. When the problem was never a question of NORMAL to begin. It was a matter of manual processing and the insurmountable task of the energy crisis. If your wish was granted. You would have made your problems TEN TIMES WORSE. I was reading an article yesterday where An Asperger’s man underwent brain electrodes to turn on his emotions. He fantasized about how it would be to feel others’ emotions. When it happened. It was OVERWHELMING. (I want to contact him and share my theory and see if it would resonate with him.) Basically, as a result, he could FEEL the feelings like a neurotypical, but his brain was STILL a MANUAL PROCESSING BRAIN. So without knowing how to simplify his system. OF COURSE, it would be overwhelming.

Remember. Manual processing –>enegy crisis–> analytical stepping up to assume leadership–> which results in black and white thinking, only absorbing and processing things that logically make sense–> by default, anything else (things they can’t understand, literally) requires too much mental energy and MUST BE TOSSED, if asked to retain, they can only do it temporarily.

Picture this survival experience

If while in survival in unknown terrain, you are asked by your spouse to venture out and find help, or water. They’re doing the same, but she asks you to carry her sleeping bag with your stuff. While you’re out, you start to get chased by a pack of wolves and in the process, you get bitten, sustain multiple gashes and wounds, your clothes ripped apart, you drop her stuff, along with all the other things you were carrying. And you BARELY make it out alive. You are traumatized, paranoid of it happening again, but alive. You meet up with her again, you assume she can see the trauma your just went through. It’s clear to you. She’s clearly upset with you for not bringing her sleeping bag back, she tries to tell you how much this hurts because she’s now going to be cold. Along with anger, disappointment, and reprimand, she gives you the cold shoulder. You are so beyond confused. You are just so happy to be ALIVE and TOGETHER. This sounds like an INSANE situation. But this essentially has been their mental energy struggle this entire time in relationships. If any other region assumed leadership, they would be mentally dead. A vegetable. They would have fought to keep your sleeping bag and died, and never returned. You cannot survive the energy crisis by thinking emotionally. You would NOT survive. EVER.

Mannies, thank your amazing and brilliant brains again.


The energy crisis is “over”, over in a sense that now that we can teach you the coding to compress, automate and make things simpler, allowing you to better absorb sensory problems, you will function more easily in the NT world. Hopefully, you are reading this with your own Auto processor and you and both hug each other. Your love story stood the test of time and you finally can learn to speak the same language. There is only hope left.

Next, my brain is exploding on how we put this to action and how this is going to HEAL hearts, relationships, and improve the well being of Mannies (and autos) everywhere. This has shown me that it’s NOT impossible for these late-diagnosed Mannies. There STILL IS HOPE. We just needed to reach them in a way they could understand FIRST. We can show them how to be hybrids. To erase the years wasted not knowing. We can give them back their lives! We can help them unclutter their minds, allowing them to see the beauty around them, and allowing their powerful brains to really be unleashed.


  • Ingrid D

    WOW!! Such phenomenal insights!! Thank you! Can I ask the circumstances that made it possible for you to be together 24/7 for 7 years? What a unique opportunity! I am SO GLAD our paths crossed!

    • admin

      Well we work together from home in our home bakery and before that he was unemployed for a while. There were little spurts of time were he held a job for a couple months but that was short lived. But especially working in our home bakery we have been forced in tons of high stress moments and triggers for him. It’s been tumultuous for sure but I see now that it had to get so bad so we’d look for solutions like we did. Now it all makes perfect sense!!

  • Joan

    As I said earlier, wow, wow and wow again. Hugely helpful and as my Manny works with computers I think this will make great sense to him. Being on a Trial Separation at his request, and only realising in the past two weeks I am living with a Manny, married 35 years, known him 40 years, I had no comprehension that this is what he was encountering every single day. I’m hoping that with counselling, I start an intense programme today, we may get past the locked horns of blame and recrimination!
    You write so very well, so very clearly and you should put the link up to your blog on all the NT support forums/ Facebook groups you can; I feel positive it would make a huge difference.
    Thank you again.

  • PM

    What happened to “Helping Your Aspie Transition from a 2 box world to a 4 box world and BEYOND. *Paradigm shift* Part 1” that appeared on Jan. 9, 2020? I am still looking for this article to kick off the series….

  • Mrs SKM Atkins

    Hi I enjoyed reading your blog. I felt your writing really described my experience. However I am interested to know how you coded his brain?

    • admin

      Basically its like it hacked the most powerful part of his brain, the part that is very fast with his special interests, so hes able to function faster in the social realm!

    • admin

      When your manual processor is in survival mode, its like they’re running away from a pack of wolves. It seems Frivolous and psychotic to be mad about something so silly as a sleeping bag in a time where their life was in danger. Does that make sense?

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