Hi! I’m Alicia! I’m a 34-year-old mother to 4 sons. My husband Sean and I have been married for nearly 14 years. Our Sons are 13, 10, 8, 6. About 2.5 years apart for all of them. Between their lives and our lives, things are always crazy!
Our life is nothing short of a roller coaster. I feel like we got an extra dose of crazy going on here. And I want to document everything and be 100% real with you all. I NEVER want to send the image that life is perfect. It’s NOT. Our life is crazy and stressful, and there are days I am *THIS CLOSE* to throwing in the towel and it gets SO ugly. But so far, at the end of the day, we pick up the pieces and keep trudging forward. Some of the topics I will explore in this blog will be:
- Spiritual healing
- Weightloss
- MTHFR mutation
- Mental illness
- Bipolar
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Health Problems (hormonal imbalance, etc…)
- TTC (trying to conceive)
- Pregnancy Loss
- Aspergers Spouses
- Aspergers children
- Self- love
- Body image
- Acting (our children are in the industry)
- Healthy eating
- Finding Routines that work
- Disciplining children
- Marriage Problems
- Date night ideas
- Marriage self-help books
- Make-up hacks
- Cakes (we make custom cakes! )
- Job loss and financial security (or lack of it)
- Frugality and deals
- Repurposing furniture
- DIYs and tutorials
- Fortnite! (yeah I got 4 boys and they sucked me in!)
I’m sure there is more. But basically we will cover ALOT on this blog. Hope you can enjoy the ride with us!!
XOXOXO- Alicia